Fourth from last
and better than Jon C.
Thank you Stevie G.
That is all.
Bitchin, moaning, whining. And that's just the wife.
The votes are in. The polling finished as follows:
So, I'm curious. Is D-Rat making money off us?? I thought that ads on a blog generate revenue for the blog owner...
Thanks to the Chairman for putting the links back up.
Although I am slowly getting used to the new look of the blog - Rat Boy is to be commended - I have realised a fatal flaw. HOW WILL I GET TO THE FANTASY SITE IF THERE IS NO LINK FROM THE BLOG? It turns out that although my small brain is able to remember this URL I have no idea where the fantasy site is. Is it all just a plot to prevent my team from perhaps even rising to 4th to last by preventing the completion of my fabulous series of transfers?
Real quotes:
Since apparently I have little to say about football (other than Baros), I thought I would continue my current role as purveyor of random yet somewhat amusing news stories.
Rafael Benitez reckons that having Kewell fit again is "like signing a new player". It's actually like signing a new overpaid, girl-haircutted, injury-prone layabout; is this a good thing? Will he ever be good again? Didn't he used to be?
According to the results of D-RAT's new mini-poll, Spurs fans are surprisingly confident that their 11 man midfield will see them to premiership near-glory this season. But are they prepared to put money on it?
My favourite quote of the (still young) month...