Tuesday, September 13, 2005

WTF is up with the fantasy website???

WHY is it that whenever I try to make transfers the website craps out???

Can I get canned as per Jonny's suggestion if I'm UNABLE to make my trades???

How shit will I be if I can't get rid of Henry???



At 7:24 AM, Blogger Charlotte said...

I guess that's what happens when you don't buy any good players...

At 8:37 AM, Blogger drakison said...

Sure, lets all be nasty about Arsenal. Maybe you should stop for a second and think about how it might hurt your friends - deeply. How they might never talk to you again. How they might cry themselves to sleep at night over the insensitivity of the people around them. Ever think about that?

Oh, by the way, are we going to do something fun on Saturday night?

At 1:14 PM, Blogger Charlotte said...

*smallest violin*

We can do something Saturday if you haven't broken up with us by then ;-)

At 4:30 PM, Blogger drakison said...

Breaking up is hard to do. That's what they say. Maybe we'll keep you around for a little longer...at least until you leave for NZ!


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