I Like To Watch

Actually, it looks as if you lot like to watch - but not participate. Put it this way, you like to receive (bend over) but not to give. What am I talking about? I am talking about the fact that people (that is, you lot) are visiting the blog, seeing that nobody else has posted, and then not posting yourselves. See the stats on the right if you don't believe me. The blog is getting about 20 hits a day...with no new comments or posts. Sigh. I am very disappointed in all of you....especially you CT and NY.
I expect to see some new posts here soon or revealing pictures will start to appear again......
Why me especially? I'm a busy man ...
David, maybe constant threats aren't the way to go to encourage participation -- try the carrot as well as the stick, try to be more nurturing, etc.
But, if that fails, maybe we should just laugh at the Spurs fans for being optimistic about this season, when they're plainly going to be just as shite as ever ...
You might have noticed, oh operant behaviorist Yeung, that I have tried to be nice and encouraging. My previous post, for example, was a friendly, pat on the back, call for posts. This fell on deaf ears.
I totally agree, however, with the idea of taking the piss out of SPurs fans. Been doing it all my life and I ain't going to stop now.
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