Charlotte Taylor: When will it stop?
Even in public, in front of hundreds of people (well, 10), CT has a serious problem with keeping her eyes open. Evidence is below. I am starting a charity to get CT corrective surgery and/or psychiatric help. In the meantime, I have hypothesized that CT is not eating enough food. Please send donations to:
Charlotte "Under nourished" Taylor Foundation (or as Caro and I like to refer to her (or it), CUNT for short)
The Loony Bin
Somewhere in England

Make all cheques payable to David Rakison. Or Caro Simard.
Can I just comment on how sad I feel that Spurs lost to Liverpool today? Although I sometimes pretend to be an Arsenal fan, deep down (in my most private areas, where it gets fungal sometimes) I love Tottenham. Tottenham. Tottenham. It feels so good to say that word, so damned good. It hurts so badly to see Tottenham Tottenham Tottenham lose and Arse*** win. Especially when the Arse*** win is a lucky scraped victory against superior opposition. I find Robbie Keane's goal celebration endlessly amusing. I like Edgar David's spectacles. I love Mido's greasy hair. I adore Martin Jol's jowls. White Hart Lane is an extremely tidy stadium. Michael Carrick for England. Thank you and goodnight.
Incidentally, for those of you who weren't privileged to witness the karaoke revolution (TM) shown in the photo posted by David, you might be interested to know that it was snapped at the CMU Psych dept party. We were singing "Do they know it's Christmas?". It turns out that most Americans (at least, most Americans present at our Xmas party) haven't heard this song. They therefore found it odd and depressing that we were singing about starving Africans, rather than Mommy Kissing Santa Claus or Frosty the Snowman. And who can blame them? Clearly, though, as the photo shows, we didn't care what people thought, and launched ourselves into the song with hearty abandon.
p.s. David, I noticed that the foundation name you chose spells out a naughty word. You might want to choose another name. For example:
Charlotte "Attractive" Taylor Supporters -- Aid Re-opening Eyes -- Needed In Colored Exposures
This one has a much more positive message.
I like that spelling out. Cute. I'm surprised that you, in particular Nick, would develop it, but I like it nonetheless.
I plan never to stop.
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