There's a website on hints for women to pee standing up that I'd like to post but Nick wouldn't let me look it up on his 'work' connection. Even though I promised him it wasn't dirty, just a practical guide...
I think the this guy's god doesn't give a shit about women: if he thinks boys peeing standing up is against god's law, then imagine what he thinks of women working outside the home and not pushing babies out every 5 sec.
CT lives!!!
You're just jealous because I have the option to do it either way. And because Caro loves it when I pee in front of her. And on her. Oops...TMI?
There's a website on hints for women to pee standing up that I'd like to post but Nick wouldn't let me look it up on his 'work' connection. Even though I promised him it wasn't dirty, just a practical guide...
I think the this guy's god doesn't give a shit about women: if he thinks boys peeing standing up is against god's law, then imagine what he thinks of women working outside the home and not pushing babies out every 5 sec.
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