Meet your foes

As the Chairman, I think it only proper to introduce the Yeungs to their competitors. So here they are. From left to right: Mitch, Rohit, Nic, Caro, Jon, and the Chairman.
As you can see, we were lining up the wall for a freekick....
Jim had already left the pitch by this time after a heated debate with the ref. But here he is after the post-game interview......
I don't have a picture of Trainis, but trust me - you're not missing anything!
Oh, and Nick Y you can tell CT to keep her trap shut or there'll be certain incriminating pictures of her floating around here very soon....
Dear Mr Chairman,
I fully apologize and retract my allegation that you photoshopped yourself into the photo. I should have realised that if you *were* to photoshop yourself into a photo you would have done a much better job...
I hope that takes care of the incriminating photos.
extra special love and kisses,
P.S. I'm bring our camera next time we're doing karaoke so that we at least have some ammunition...
Spursman - yes, post a picture. Its easy and I'm sure we'd all like to see the new svelt you.
As for you CT - apology accepted. Just. I was this close, yes, "this" close to putting a picture of you up...and you know what the picture is. Oh, and I have more from last weekend......he he he HE HE HE.
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